Embracing Change

May 2020 # quarantinelife


Change is the ONLY constant in life and undoubtedly the past month we have all scrambled to adjust to this new COVID-19 lifestyle.  My life as a yoga instructor and moonlighting as a mom-(just kidding), has changed in a way that my yoga studio is now my kitchen and the physical touch of a hug from a fellow teacher in between classes has been replaced by tiny little hands pulling at my hair in child’s pose and DWD is a horsey ride . I understand these complaints should not even be voiced in comparison to the struggles and sickness, deaths and unemployment across the globe, I am simply just talking from my experience and sharing with you all my theme for the month of May and what my yoga classes will be influenced by .  Bare with me I am not a writer and I majored in soccer all 4 years in college. I don’t even think Facebook  should be a platform for all this writing but my website is under construction and I don’t have a computer soooooo here I go.

The thing is, even after this is over and we have a cure, our lives will still continue to change. Change is the only constant that we have. Until then, how we react is what will prepare us moving forward for the next big or little change. Embracing and accepting the things we are not in control of will allow you to adapt and become more flexible. For example if you accept what is happening right now you will be able to do the splits with me on Sundays at 9am Facebook Live ! Jk(Yoga Joke and marketing myself)

When shelter in place happened, I thought to myself, nothing is changing over here. I am home with two kids anyways , I rarely go out due to fear of 1 crying the entire time and the other having a two year old meltdown if we run out of snacks. I never accepted the fact I don’t have the option to go somewhere, anywhere ... Just a place to get some space and not have to look like a ninja going into a mission when I want some bread. But that resistance built up and I started going to bed and waking up fearing being locked into the same setting day in and out. Then I came to a realization as I was practicing my weekly class . (I take my class at least 4 times before I actually teach it to assure it flows right).The realization was that I’m allowing this situation to control me and add fear into my life. Even if we do the same practice(routine) every day, it is never the same—and we are never the same. Realizing this, we can also see that change is happening constantly even when we think we are stuck in this same setting. We can choose to accept it and move forward, participate in life, treat each other well and engage your body! If you haven’t watched Tiger King yet I don’t know how, but consider yourself lucky and do something new, watch it. This month allow yourself to be the change. Do something new everyday. It’s the little things that allow us to feel better as a whole. We must understand this is not in our control and accept what’s happening right now and not internalize it. We are ALL going through this and yes everyone feels their cross is the heaviest to 🐻 and yes it sux but I bet we all said the same things when we didn’t have to wear a mask out in public and stay home .We all have the ability to be the change that we want to see in the world just like Gandhi. (MC Yogi Song Quote)

Life is all about change , without it we cannot move forward. Embrace the Unknown. Try Something new. Breathe, Allow yourself to feel everything and truly look around and be thankful for all you have . It’s humbling to see what we all have done as a community to help each other . Let’s do more if it and learn from each-other everyday .

XOXO Gossip Girl
